We’ve just achieved an important milestone in our permaculture project! We're very happy to let you know that we received the organic certification for all our crops. We were audited without any non-conformities. 

This certificate isn’t easy to get, but we’re used to audits! We already have the COSMOS certification for our cosmetics, ECOCERT for our detergents, and GOTS for our textile. So we keep the same reflexes and normalise them in our project. Most of the time, it’s more than enough to obtain our certifications as they check bills, organic certificates, mulch, crop rotation, and cultivation register. 

So what’s next? Good question. We simply feel like we’re on the right track and things are running smoothly. This certification was for us a sort of review to check our vision and our way of doing things. 

It started with a crazy idea of growing organic-certified local fruit and veg, for our team and our community. 

These are the veg that hopefully will be available in a couple of months for our employee:
* Chard
* Butternut
* Courgette
* Green beans
* Pepper
* Lettuce
* Heritage tomato
* Cherry tomato
* Aubergine
* Parsley
* Basil
Well done Alice, Helene, and the whole team!